Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Cara Membuat Tab Di Blog Berdasarkan Label Postingan

Hari ini saya mau berbagi informasi nih seputar blog. Bagi teman-teman yang mungkin lagi nyari-nyari tutorial tentang bagaimana cara untuk membuat tab di blog sesuai dengan label dari postingan blog kalian, don’t worry, be happy ! Karena, setelah mempraktekkan tutorial di postingan saya ini kalian pasti langsung bisa membuat tab berdasarkan label postingan kalian. Caranya cukup mudah kok walaupun untuk beginner sekalian ;)

Pertama-tama, yang pastinya kalian musti sign in dulu dong di account Blogger kalian.

 Kalo udah masuk, arahkan cursor kalian ke tulisan laman.

Nah di situ kalian bakal melihat tulisan laman baru, klik, lalu pilih alamat web.

Di judul laman, kalian bisa menuliskan nama tab yang kalian inginkan ataupun yang sesuai dengan nama label di postingan kalian.

Lalu klik simpan.

Selesai deh ! Tinggal dilihat hasilnya. Mudah ‘kan? ;)

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Cara Memasang Lagu/Musik Di Blog

Cara Memasang Lagu/Musik Di Blog adalah materi yang akan saya berikan kali ini dalam kategori tips blogging, mungkin banyak blogger yang ingin membuat nyaman pengunjungnya dengan cara memasang musik di blognya, hal ini bertujuan agar pengunjung lebih kerasan di blog kita.

Tapi, anda harus benar-benar tepat dalam memilih lagu yang akan sobat pasang di blog sobat, jangan sampai pengunjung blog sobat malah merasa risih akan adanya lagu yang sobat putar di blog sobat! ok deh, buat sobat-sobat yang ingin tau cara memasang lagu/musik di blog sobat! pastikan sobat mengikuti dengan pasti urutan langkah-langkahnya di bawah ini :

1. Ok, untuk yang pertama kali, sobat harus memilih lagu terlebih dahulu dari sebuah server yang menyimpan file lagu tersebut, sobat dapat mengupload file mp3 ke server sobat sendiri (jika punya hosting) atau sobat dapat menuju ke situs disana anda dapat mencari lagu sesuai keingan sobat! dengan cara mengetikkan judul dan artis penyanyi di kolom pencarian seperti di bawah ini :

2. Setelah Mengetikkan di kolom pencarian, maka sobat akan mendapatkan hasil pencarian berupa-lagu-lagu yang telah ada di situs soundcloud, seperti di bawah ini :

Tak ada salahnya mengecek lagunya terlebih dahulu sebelum memasang lagu di blog sobat! g lucu kan kalau lagu yang kita pasang ternyata kualitas/judul sama lagunya tidak sesuai! sobat dapat mengeceknya dengan mengklik tombol play yang ada di hasil pencarian.

3. Setelah sobat menemukan lagu yang pas, silahkan sobat ambil script dengan cara klik tombol share :
Kemudian silahkan sobat pilih yang widget code, dan silahkan sobat copy code yang ada di dalamnya

4. Setelah sobat mendapatkan kode script di atas, silahkan sobat masuk ke akun blogger yang akan sobat pasang lagu di blognya.

5. Setelah sobat login ke dashboard blog sobat, silahkan sobat masuk ke layout/tata letak, kemudian klik add widget/tambahkan gadget >>kemudian silahkan pilih yang HTML/Java script. kemudian pastekan code script yang telah sobat dari langkah ke empat tadi ke dalam box! kemudian save, dan lihat blog sobat!

6. Pada settingan deffaultnya, musik yang dipasang di blog tidak akan autoplay, jika sobat menginginkan musiknya autoplay, silahkan tambahkan code"&auto_play=true&show_artwork=true" di bagian paling belakng URL file mp3, untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan lihat gambar di bawah ini.

kemudian simpan, dan lihat blog sobat! maka musik yang sobat pasang di blog sobat akan autoplay! selamat mencoba!
Thanks to :

Speech text about Corruption

Stop Coruption

The honorable adjudicators of English Speech Contest,
The honorable teachers,
The honorable participants,
The honorable audiences,

First of all, let us praise The Almighy Allah SWT, because of His blessings we are able to attend this english speech contest. Secondly, may peace be upon The Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.
I also would like to say thank you very much who given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all.

Ladies and gentlement, allow me to deliver my speech untitled: Corruption
Corruption is both a major cause and a result of poverty around the world. It occurs at all levels of society, from local and national governments, civil society, judiciary functions, large and small businesses, military and other services and so on.
Ladies and gentlemant,
Corruption affects the poorest the most, in rich or poor nations, though all elements of society are affected in some way as corruption undermines political development, democracy, economic development, the environment, people’s health and more.
Ladies and gentlemant,
Around the world, the perception of corruption in public places is very high:
But it isn’t just in governments that corruption is found; it can permeate through society.
Ladies and gentlement,
The issue of corruption is very much inter-related with other issues. At a global level, the “international” (Washington Consensus-influenced) economic system that has shaped the current form of globalization in the past decades requires further scrutiny for it has also created conditions whereby corruption can flourish and exacerbate the conditions of people around the world who already have little say about their own destiny. At a national level, people’s effective participation and representation in society can be undermined by corruption, while at local levels, corruption can make day to day lives more painful for all affected.
Ladies and gentlemant,
A difficult  thing to measure or compare, however, is the impact of corruption on poverty versus the effects of inequalities that are structured into law, such as unequal trade agreements, structural adjustment policies, so-called “free” trade agreements and so on. It is easier to see corruption. It is harder to see these other more formal, even legal forms of “corruption.” It is easy to assume that these are not even issues because they are part of the laws and institutions that govern national and international communities and many of us will be accustomed to it—it is how it works, so to speak. Those deeper aspects are discussed in other parts of this web site’s section on trade, economy, & related issues.
That is not to belittle the issue of corruption, however, for its impacts are enormous too.
Ladies and gentlement,
I think thats’ all my speech. Hopefully it will be useful for f us. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualikum wr.wb

Jumat, 13 September 2013

The Sketchbook Real (ザ・スケッチブック)

The Sketchbook (ザ・スケッチブック) is a real-life band which was created through The Sketchbook Project and is named for the band formed by the Sket Dan during the Kaimei Rock Festival. The band has been active since the formal announcement of their formation in July 2011, and have performed the vast majority of opening/ending themes for the Sket Dance anime. They are affiliated with avex entertainment.

They'll be released their first album titled "Sketchbook", which contains all of their song in Sket Dance anime and includes new songs.


Hiroshi Tada (多田 宏, Tada Hiroshi)

  • Position: Vocals & Bass
  • Birthday: February 1, 1988
  • Gender: Male
  • Bloodtype: A
  • Nickname: Hiropin (ヒロピン)
  • Hobbies: Writing & composing songs
  • Special Skill: Sports in general
  • Trivia: He doesn't like tomatoes, but seems fine with ketchup.

Riko Kohara (小原 莉子, Kohara Riko)

  • Position: Guitar
  • Birthday: February 3, 1990
  • Gender: Female
  • Bloodtype: O
  • Nickname: Rikopin (リコピン)
  • Hobbies: Cosplay
  • Special Skill: Cooking
  • Trivia: Tomatoes are her favorite food, so there are a lot of pictures on the official blog taken of her holding tomato juice. She dislikes uncooked rice.

Yuu Watanabe (渡邊 悠, Watanabe Yuu)

  • Position: Drums
  • Birthday: April 24, 1988
  • Gender: Male
  • Bloodtype: B
  • Nickname: Gummi Prince (グミ王子, gumi ouji)
  • Hobbies: Reading manga & eating sweets
  • Special Skill: Yo-yos
  • Trivia: His nickname comes from the fact that he hoards gummis, they're his favorite food, and every time he goes to a live performance, fans seem to give him tons of them. He dislikes carbonated drinks. In junior high school, he joined the wind instrument club and that's around the time he started playing the drums.



Side B Songs
